About Be As A Local

BE AS A LOCAL was founded in 2018 in Trieste by Dag Harald Johannessen. The business idea was to share the rich offers of Trieste and the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region with visitors from the Nordic Countries.

During his many years of residence in Trieste, Dag has discovered that the Region is very little known in Northern Europe.

As a Norwegian, he knows well what Nordic tourists are requesting in terms of quality, services, information, wi-fi, breakfast and beds. He has established a very profound knowledge of what this Region has to offer, including a comprehensive contact network.

Toghether with technical director will let you experience the special activities or places that only a real local would be aware of, in addition to the normal tourist sites and attractions.

BE AS A LOCAL will have similar offers in other parts of Italy, through a network of 'local friends' that will be working according to the philosophy and standards followed in Trieste.



No surprises

You will not have any negative surprises from lacking information of costs, fees, what is included or not. 

Collaborators and service providers

Quality and reliability first! We only use suppliers and collaborators that we know and have full trust in.

Being your local friend

Our staff will welcome you and act as your local friend during your stay, resolving any issues or problems that you may have, attending as much as possible to your special interests or wishes and providing our “this is my favorite, what I prefer, what I would recommend, what I wouldn’t do” advices.


Our staff is trained to be aware of what is important to foreign visitors, i.e. for North European travelers. Reliability, quality, punctuality, relevant information. English is our working language. Dag can always be reached for issues in Scandinavian language, French or German.


We carefully monitor how our tours are performing and the feedback from our guests and collaborators/supplier. We work hard to ensure the “high quality – no surprises – your local friend – activity and content richness” of Be As A Local.


Through narrow collaboration and contacts with the local tourism authorities and our collaborators and suppliers, Be As A Local remains updated and informed of what the Region has to offer you in Friuli Venezia Giulia.



Meet The Team

Dag Harald Johannessen

General Manager / Owner

Dag Harald Johannessen is a Norwegian that has worked and lived in Trieste since 2003, with more than 20 years of working experience from international organizations.

Furthermore, he has extensive experience at managerial level in administration and organization, including projects, marketing and events.